
Welcome to my homepage, where I explore the fascinating blend of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. With a background in Artificial Intelligence, I've been involved in research endeavors focused on promoting trust and ethical standards in these areas. Currently, I am part of the MLDS unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), under the mentorship of Prof. Makoto Yamada. Before joining OIST, I had the privilege of teaching and spearheading AI initiatives at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) in Tehran, Iran. Additionally, I've served as a Senior Researcher at esteemed institutions like the Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS) in Finland and France.

Join Us

I am actively seeking new collaborators. If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to me via email at mohammad.sabokrou@oist.jp Additionally, we currently have open Postdoctoral positions and several internship opportunities available at MLDS. For the postdoctoral positions, a strong publication record in top journals and conferences such as ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, IJCAI, T-PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, and TMLR is required.

Latest News

  • My proposal for the Kakenhi grant (Early-career) has been accepted.
  • Two papers accepted for presentation at CVPR2024.
  • Our paper titled “Killing it with Zero-Shot: Adversarially Robust Novelty Detection” was accepted to ICASSP2024.
  • Our paper on mitigating background bias risk was accepted to ACML2024.

Research Interests

  • Machine Learning Trustworthines
  • Anomaly Detection/OOD detection
  • Continual Learning/lifelong learning